I need a change!
ideas swirling
searching for opportunities
found a way!
they said yes
we are moving
anticipation high
Slept poorly
Next step
How to get authorization to work?
impatience through the stratosphere
sleeping poorly
why does it take so long
don't they want us
what I do is in demand (I was told and I checked)
they report a shortage of people with MY skills
sleeping poorly more often
Call received
government issued papers arrived
rabid Excitement
what to take...what to leave for others or to bring later
to one and all and country too, Love you baby see you soon
Scene two
Choices, choices, and more
That's what I want..I guess?
That's acceptable here?
unbounded excitement
sleep interrupted
I wake up repeatedly and stare
Pinch I here finally?
Scene three
Calendar entry: expiration date of work authorization is coming close
What are my options
2years to college for my eldest
sleeping fitfully
dreaming of boxes strewn across the highway
different colors and sizes
all have the words Options
written on each of their 4 sides
like a rubix cube
I wake up my heart is beating fast
a few sips of water
back to bed and stare at the dark
the Options boxes are shrinking, the colors less sharp
I wake up to find out that I had dozed off
Scene four
That will take how long?
uncertain, MY skills are not in demand? Is there still a shortage?
disbelief mounts
oh...I still have to wait....
What is the real colour of the grass over here?
Phone call: nephew has a baby coming? My friends parent passed away?
Sigh(I can't come right now... please tell them......give them my condolences)
a few seconds later, I will be there.
Going: Subdued
There: Carefree, energized...alive
Coming back: half awake, seeing colourless sunken Options boxes bouncing around the
Scene five
Sitting, reviewing MY skills
It’s a consultation with attorney 2 and 3
Tamed disbelief
MY skills are in short supply
MY skills are in demand?
they said yes, but it's a process
they'll start filing for something to help me stay
college in two years for my first born
how long will that take?
Where is the green that I saw from over there
Scene six
Chatting with an attorney, a friend of a friend
the country should show that they want MY skills...
in the night turning from side to side
burrowing on the covers for a sweet spot to sleep
my outer is composure for everyday living
my interior hides uncertainty in its cells - they are racing all the time
my skills....what I do is in demand… in demand….(I was told so and I checked).
it's true
a rubix puzzle
quiet frustration
sleep deprived
leave - stay?